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Winter is here and for many of us, that means higher energy bills as we turn up the heat to keep our homes warm. But what if there were ways to stay warm without turning on the heating? Not only would this save you money on your energy bills, but it could also be more environmentally friendly.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to stay warm without heating is to dress in layers. Wearing multiple layers of clothing can help to trap warm air next to your body, keeping you warmer for longer. This is especially effective if you wear a base layer made of moisture-wicking material, which will help to keep you dry and comfortable. You can also add a middle layer, such as a sweater or fleece, for extra warmth, and a top layer, such as a coat or jacket, to protect you from the elements.

Another simple trick for staying warm without heating is to use blankets and throws. These can be placed on your bed or sofa, or draped over your shoulders, to add an extra layer of warmth to your home.

 If you have a fireplace, lighting a fire can also provide a natural source of heat. Just be sure to use a screen to prevent sparks from escaping and causing a fire hazard. Closing your curtains and blinds can also help to keep your home warm. This will prevent warm air from escaping through the windows and cold air from entering your home.

Draft excluders, which are placed along the bottom of doors and windows, can also help to prevent warm air from escaping and cold air from entering your home. These are inexpensive and easy to install, and they can make a big difference in the warmth of your home.

Another way to stay warm without heating is to use a hot water bottle or heating pad. These can be placed in your bed or on your couch to provide a source of warmth.

If you need a more concentrated source of heat, a portable heater, such as a space heater, can provide warmth in a specific area of your home. These are relatively inexpensive and can be moved from room to room as needed. Just be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use them safely to prevent fires.